Legal guarantee for lack of conformity (Legislative Decree 206/2005)

Conformity guarantee

The guarantee of conformity of the products sold by the Seller in favor of the Consumer Customer is given by virtue of the rules contained in the Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 (Consumer Code) on guarantees in the sale of consumer goods. The Seller provides the official guarantee for the duration of 24 months from the date of purchase. The Consumer loses the right to assert the aforementioned guarantee if he does not report the conformity defect within 2 months of its discovery. The warranty is valid for the following defects:

• the product does not correspond to the agreement;

• the product does not have the essential characteristics;

• the product does not correspond to the usual use and quality.

The Seller will not bear any damage that may result from improper use or wear, unprofessional handling or installation, malfunction due to short circuit. The warranty does not apply in the event of factors unrelated to normal use of the product, such as voltage increases or decreases, use of accessories that are inappropriate or prohibited by the manufacturers, falls, water, fire or incorrect or abusive use by the Customer or third parties persons not authorized by the manufacturer. The warranty is also excluded for defects that were already known by the Customer at the time of purchase

Method: it is the responsibility of the Customer, before returning a non-compliant item, and in order to enforce the warranty, agree, also via e-mail, with the return and delivery methods of the product. The Seller undertakes to indicate to the Customer the place and method of delivery of the product. Once the Product has been received, the Seller will carry out the relative check, also making use of the structures of the Producer and, should the lack of conformity be found, he will send to the Customer the repaired or replacement product.

If, at the end of the inspection, the product does not appear to be affected by a lack of conformity, the Seller will inform the Customer about the costs necessary for its repair or replacement. The costs related to the transport of products that do not present defects of conformity will be charged to the Customer. In the event of a complaint of lack of conformity, the Seller will promptly contact the Customer to inform him and possibly propose the replacement of the product flawed with alternative products, of equivalent or superior value and quality.

Conventional, free or paid guarantees offered by the manufacturer or retailer do not replace or limit the legal compliance, with respect to which they may have a different duration instead. Anyone offering conventional guarantees must in any case always specify that these are different and additional guarantees with respect to the legal guarantee of conformity that protects consumers.



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